Let us continue looking into the case of Ahmaud Arbery, which has recently outraged the world once again. Not too long ago, there was a video released by a bystander who had seen the crime being taken place. This video gave the Ahmaud Arbery case solid evidence that a murder was being taken place in broad daylight. This case has now received the support of many individuals who have been part of the Black Lives Matters movement. We started to see some justice being served with the two suspects, Greg McMichael and Travis McMichael, being arrested due to the murder of Ahmaud Arbery. Although there has been an uproar from many democratic and liberal supporters, there have also been conservatives who still claim that the killing of Ahmaud Arbery is justified. There has been a Facebook support group for Greg McMichael and Travis McMichael that brought in quite a bit of attention and outrage. The direct quote from their Facebook page is shown below. "These 2 God-fearing men wer...